To gain business skills highly valued in any career path
and to pitch for a cash prize to start your own business,
Join us on a 8 week entrepreneurship course
Who We Are
The DAREnterprisers team is made up of dedicated students from the University of Cambridge, the University of Dar es Salaam, and facilitators from the previous cohort of DAREnterprisers course participants. Our team forms part of the Cambridge Development Initiative, and we are working towards making the DAREnterprisers course an independent, highly regarded entrepreneurship course that attracts students and investors from Tanzania and across East Africa. As a team our goals this year and every year are to generate active student businesses, allocate seed funding, and most importantly to support our students and their businesses throughout and after the completion of the course. We achieve these goals through an excellent quality of teaching, peer to peer learning, and mentorship.
Start your own profitable company after 8 weeks!
Excited to be the change you want to see in the world? Can't wait to change your local community with your own idea? This is the course for you! The course will mainly run at the University of Dar es Salaam, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere main campus.
Be a force for social change in
Dar es Salaam
Participate in one of the 3 business themes:
1) Waste, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
2) Manufacturing and Urban Living
3) Off-Grid Energy (in collaboration with Smart Villages)
Be a leader in this exciting development initiative in Dar!
Gain Business, Social & Personal Skills
Our specially tailored programme will cover business skills such as ideation techniques, business modeling, pitching, prototyping and marketing, as well as social and personal skills such as leadership, team dynamics and communication skills.
Be mentored by business leaders
Students on this course will have exclusive access to distinguished Tanzanian business leaders, academics and incubators that will provide support for your company.
Fund your dreams!
At the end of the course, you and your team will present your business ideas at a conference, and the best team in each of our 3 business themes will stand to win attractive cash prizes!
Perfect opportunity to build your career!
Apply Your Degree
Put your classroom knowledge to the test! Every skill you have will come in handy, every team member has a role to play in a start-up company.
Jumpstart Your Career
This is not just a training opportunity — you could end up with your own company and your career path set for the next few years. Throughout the programme you will interact with NGOs, multinational companies and innovative start-ups based in Dar es Salaam. You will also make valuable connections for any future career choice.
Gain Skills for Employment
The skills you learn while developing your own business are wide-ranging and versatile. We will be working on problem-solving, creativity and superior commercial awareness among other skills, and you will reap the benefits in whatever career path you choose.
Work with the Best
The programme has been designed with support from entrepreneurship educators at the Cambridge Judge Business School, some of whom will actually be visiting Dar es Salaam to facilitate parts of the programme. They will be joined by facilitators from within Tanzania.
Have Lots of Fun!
Running your own business is hard work, but it is also a lot of fun! The programme will be intensive and challenging, but we promise you will enjoy every minute of it. It is also an opportunity for cultural exchange with Cambridge students — the learning will be mutual!
A week-by-week sample of the course structure
Choose between WASH, Manufacturing and Urban Living or Off-Grid Energy.
To join one of our tracks you are not required to have any specific knowledge in the field you want to work – whatever your specialisation is you are welcome to apply for the programme and develop you projects within both of our tracks. However, we will ensure that each team has at least one person competent in the chosen area, so we highly encourage those of you with a deeper understanding of the field to submit your applications.
Waste, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Create solutions for purifying water. Be more than an entrepreneur and use your business to educate others about sanitation and hygiene.
Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), represents one of the biggest challenges facing Dar es Salaam and Tanzania as a whole. A large proportion of the population lacks access to clean drinking water and sanitary facilities, resulting in the spread of diseases. The WASH track presents an amazing challenge for budding entrepreneurs to create real solutions to these most pressing problems. If you want to create a successful business and at the same time improve the quality of life for millions of Tanzanians, this is the track for you!
Manufacturing and Urban Living
Innovate to develop manufacturing and change Tanzanian urban lifestyle for the best.
The urban living track is a course dedicated to developing business ideas with social foundations in improving aspects of urban living. This is a really exciting track due to growing urban populations meaning cities and urban landscapes are of huge importance in the world. This opens up a wide range of business prospects and potential for entrepreneurial vision. If you think that you have spotted gaps in the market and have business ideas grounded in improving aspects of urban living, for example housing, traffic and transport, then this is a track you will really enjoy.
Off-Grid Energy
In collaboration with Smart Villages, we challenge you to find innovative ways of distributing, or implementing, new, or existing, sustainable energy technologies to off-grid villages.
Despite decreasing costs and demonstrated growth of the consumer market for electricity for lighting and cooking technologies, distribution and implementation remain challenging - finding the right business model solutions can be tricky. Our 8 week course will provide you with unique mentorship and guidance from leaders in off-grid energy and social enterprise.
What are we looking for?
We look for applicants who possess the following qualities:
- Creativity & Innovation
- Adequate English Literacy
- Ability to work in a team
- Ability to work under pressure
- Enthusiasm
- Proactivity
- Willingness to create your own business
- Dedication
Who can apply
For all the tracks ANY student or recent graduate having studied ANY course at a University in East Africa (including the University of Dar es Salaam, Ardhi University and Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology) is eligible to apply.
When does the course run?
The course will run from Friday 21st of July 2017 until Wednesday 6th of September 2017. and is based at the University of Dar Es Salaam Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre.
Funding arrangements
The course is fully funded by the Cambridge Development Initiative and its partners. You will however be expected to cover your own food, travel and accommodation expenses throughout the programme. Under specific circumstances, travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by the Cambridge Development Initiative.
What is the application process like?
After having submitted your application and having answered some of our initial questions, we will interview candidates with the most promising ideas and enthusiasm. Interviews will be quite informal: we won't try to trick you in any way, we just want to meet you and see you at your best.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.Email: entrepreneurship.tanzania@cambridgedevelopment.org
Applications are now closed for 2017, if you missed the deadline and are still interested please e-mail entrepreneurship.director@cambridgedevelopment.org and we will try and help you if possible.
Ahad Katera
CDI Country Team Director
Co-founder of Guavay Company Ltd
Society Leader Innovation for Change
“DAREnterprisers was such a practical experience to apply the design thinking and learning by doing approach. It was an opportunity to turn a dream of starting a business into reality."
Salma Soud
"The course content covered how we can practise being young entrepreneurs in our society which was only theoretical in our minds.
The facilitators were very keen and warm to us. Through this course, we had the opportunity to meet different types of people of various culture, religion, social ranks and professions. I am very grateful for last year's opportunity for it changed alot in me to be a better and a useful youngster.
Thanks a lot CDI for this golden opportunity."
William Azariah
“To beat the current challenges that our societies face there is a need to align social development with technology development. There are so many lives that can be touched with social innovation and there are so many dreams that canbecome real if we empower the future young change makers".
Latifa Mafumbi
"The program was fun and intensive. We could easily interact, get to know each other well and enhance teamwork and spirit. Today I see myself as an emerging business expert after having learnt a number of skills from the program, from using the business model canvas, project management, preparing revenue models, marketing to BoP (*Base of Pyramid) and basic accounting. The Know-how is important when starting your own business."
Cambridge Development Initiative
DAREnterprisers is part of The Cambridge Development Initiative which is a student-run NGO based at the University of Cambridge; a world-class hub of entrepreneurial teaching and practice. CDI can draw on a wide network of experts, businessmen and student volunteers to provide hands-on mentorship and training to aspiring Tanzanian entrepreneurs. CDI runs 3 other projects: Health, Education and WaSH.
More information can be found on CDI's website.
University of Dar es Salaam
The University of Dar es salaam is the oldest and biggest public university in Tanzania.
As a constituent of the university, the University of Dar es Salaam Entrepreneurship Centre (UDEC) was established in 2001 with the mission to facilitate the development of entrepreneurial capacity in Tanzania. In pursuit of the mission, the centre offers trainings, consultancy, counseling, incubation, business plan competition and match-making services to potential and existing micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs) as well as staffs of institutions supporting MSMEs.
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, United Kingdom
The University of Cambridge (is a collegiate public research university in Cambridge, England. Founded in 1209, Cambridge is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world and is consistently ranked as one of the leading universities in the world. Cambridge has many notable alumni, including several eminent mathematicians, scientists, politicians, and 90 Nobel laureates who have been affiliated with it.
Cambridge is formed from a variety of institutions which include 31 constituent colleges and over 100 academic departments organised into six schools. In the year ended 31 July 2014, the university had a total income of £1.51 billion, of which £371 million was from research grants and contracts. The central university and colleges have a combined endowment of around £4.9 billion, the largest of any university outside the United States.
Buni Hub
Buni Hub is an open space at Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) for Tanzania technologist’s community to foster innovation, entrepreneurship and the culture of co-creation.
The space is free and open for anyone interested in collaborative learning and idea sharing for community development and sustainability in the ICT Sector. The space currently is home of over 400 registered users mostly youth, using the space facilities and resources to work on their projects, works, businesses and ideas.
Smart Villages
Smart Villages is an NGO which aims to provide policy makers, donors and development agencies concerned with rural energy access with new insights on the real barriers to energy access in villages in developing countries – technological, financial and political – and how they can be overcome.
Smart Villages focuses on remote off-grid villages, where local solutions are both more realistic and cheaper than national grid extension. The aim is to ensure that energy access results in development and the creation of ‘smart villages’ in which many of the benefits of life in modern societies are available to rural communities.
Want to hear more about our course? Get in touch.
Copyright 2017